Today we went for our 11 week check up and got to count Baby Burton's toes and fingers. I am still just blown away on how much detail you can see in an ultrasound at just 11 weeks. One thing we noticed right away was the size of Baby Burton's feet. That is one thing Emily and I always joked about long before she was ever pregnant was how big our child's feet would probably be. I wear a size 13 and Emily wears a 10. The other funny thing about today was how much that little baby was moving. Dr. Williams had a tough time getting a clear ultrasound because that baby was dancing like it was at a concert. Dr. Williams said several times about how active this baby was. Aside from my large feet the baby is already a lot like me cause I can't sit still. Before Dr. Williams came in Emily had to ask me several times to just sit down and quit pacing around the room. Here is a picture of the baby from the ultrasound, you can see the blur by the baby's knee and on it's back where it was moving around. This was the most still the baby was the entire time and this is the only good picture we got from this visit.

After the ultrasound Emily had to get some blood work and a flu shot. Emily has never done well with getting blood taken cause her veins are so hard to find. Luckily they were able to get her vein on the first try.
Most of you know I am obsessed with doing time lapses. The day we got home from California from finding out Emily was pregnant, I setup a camera and have been documenting her progress every few days right now. Here in a few weeks as she starts to show a little more I will start doing a picture a day. Here are a couple pictures showing you the angle and where the camera is. I put a couple pieces of tape on the ground where she puts her toes and to mark where I want the shot. With Emily being such a clean freak, I'm sure it is driving her nuts having to see tape on the ground and a camera mounted on a bench until May.
That is all we have for now....Thanks for checking on us.
Emily, Scott and Houston
Ok - just discovering y'all had a blog. (Em - you could have mentioned this yesterday on the phone:)!) I am beyond pumped for y'all. Sweet Baby Burton - you are on my mind all of the time!! Love y'all all to the moon and back.
ReplyDeleteAs I read this Scott and Emily, I have so blessed to read all of your blog. It is Christmas eve and Santa could not be any better at your home I bet. You are an adorable couple and I do not know if you like this or not, but I have one of those Aunt Laura feelings, could this Kathryn Grace be a bit red headed. Both sides have it! What beauty that would be, at least for me. Whatever, she has beautiful parents and joy fills all of our hearts. Do have a blessed and Holy Christmas